Tuesday, September 13, 2011


HI I want to give a clarification about auditory processing difficulties most of the time its mis diagnosed as AUTISM or ADHD

Auditory Processing/ Auditory Processing DIfficulties:
What is auditory processing:
Before Auditory processing i want to clarify about Hearing and Listening.
Hearing is a function of our ears and its passive unintentional process Listening is a function of our brain and its active intentional process and the Auditory processing  is the connection of ears and the brain.its how the brain assianing the meaning to the auditory response coming through ears , and its really rapid and hi speed process. AP in simple words it is what we do with what we hear(katz,1992)it has several steps 1)Deleting sound
2)collecting sound 3)Attending to sound
 4)transforming sound5)discriminating and decoding sound
6)associating, integratingand organising what we hear
7)deciding how to respond( from 3rd step to last step the brain takes responsibility)

AP-Take in information-Hold it-Sequence it-Recall it-Respond auditory processing may not develop @ the same rate as expressive language,at the age of 12 most learners have developed mature auditory processing skills.

Auditory processing difficulties:
delayed AP development affects learning and behaviour, difficulty following directions, instructions,explanations, delayed reading,spelling and expressive language, concentration and attention difficulties,disruptive or non-complaint behaviour, poor classroom participation and responds inappropriately,gives slow and delayed responses, misunderstands or misinterprets information,withdrawn and quite, asks for  frequent repetitions,poor memory in auditory information especially with background stimulus,difficulty with word problems, disorganised,lower grades in verbal assessments
problem areas for APD
 Auditory figure-ground
 Auditory memory
 Auditory discrimination
 Auditory attention
 Auditory perception
 Auditory cohesion

Supporting learners with APD
  • reducing background noise
  • use soft surfaces in the class room(like pin boards, carpets books, cushions)
  • adapting schedules
  • stand close to the learners
  • maintain eyecontact
  • use visual cuesto support auditory information
  • encourage turn talking in discussion
  • ask learner to repeat the instructions
  • use simple expressive sentence,in slower rate, use consistent sentences
  • give them simple chunks at a time
  • give one sentence at a time
  • use other sensory modalities to process information
  • establish predictable routines
 Autism andADHD children  might show some of the features of Auditory Processing Difficulties because of their  associated conditions like inattention ,impulsivity and sensory difficulties.
Take care


  1. it is very useful article, though you may way, we can try to do something with this information for the children,

    we are very thankful to you mam

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