Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Today for some reason my attention is forced to focus on beautiful behaviours our children exhibit;

Individual with special needs have difficulties regulating their actions and responses to their surroundings. Their lack of self regulation or ability to control themselves in a variety of environmental conditions can lead to behavior problems.
 Calming, delaying gratification, inhibiting responses, maintaining an awareness of goals, and how to alter behavior to attain or achieve goals.
Children may need help with maintenance of focused attention and interpreting their own mental states as well as those of others. In a classroom or in other environments most of the behaviors exhibited by the child are looked as “being intentional". Now i will help you to view the behaviors’ exhibited by our children in a different way, i am here to suggest you that most of the behaviors’ are linked to self regulation difficulties.
AGGRESION: Inability to control actions and emotions
STRATEGY: Strategies for helping child with arousal regulation problem of being aggressive include-1 use nonverbal clues to help the student before the situation escalates (ex, hand the child a schedule and ask him what is next if he gets frustrated with what he is doing or showing him a quiet symbol) 2 provide a quiet area 3 use social stories to understand cause and effect
POOR ON SITTING BEHAVIOUR OR CANNOT SIT STILL: Over stimulated, cannot calm himself/herself
STRATEGY: 1 provide frequent activity breaks 2 allow time for kids to recognize after high energy activities like reading a story or completing a quiet activity 3 use sand or visual timer where he/she will work for a specific length of time, gradually increase the amount of activities or time length 4 during work periods have the child sit on a T-STAND(T STOOL) to help direct energy and focus.
DEFIANT: Inefficiant, intake processing and sustaining attention causing poor understanding
STRATEGY: 1 limit choices(ex, which of these toys would you like to play with now not what toy do you want?, minimizing choice or minimizing stimulus another example could be Do you want milk or water to drink with snacks? don’t ask him what do you want to drink with snacks? 2 maintain predictable routines or schedule 3 use non verbal cues to direct the student attention to you before presenting the direction( ex, use picture cue of look before proceeding to the real work) 4 explicitly define the purpose of the lesson and or the student expectation( work on a system which contains finished folder) 5 have the student restate the direction in their own words to check for their understanding 6 establish a consistent behavior management plan 7 when giving directions, avoid using phrases "I want you to" to limit the triggers for power struggles(ex, check schedule, it’s time to...)
IMPULSIVE: inability to inhibit responses, poor planning
STRATEGY: 1 use simple and clearly defined expectations to help define boundaries(ex when we go out always hold my hand) 2 use picture schedules and maintain a consistent daily routine 3 provide instruction to help learn to plan and recognize cause and effect. use self talking strategies such as "if i know this....then"(ex, if i know where my cubby hole or hanger in the classroom then i know where to put my coat) (ex, for cause and effect if i yell in the class i have to sit in the quiet area) 4 teach the student to count to ten before making a response 5 for older children use self rating system and graphs to illustrate progress and accountability
INCONSISTENT: Difficulty modulating energy according to task requirements
STRATEGY:  1 Present task in manageable pieces, clearly define the grading expectations 2 using visuals 3 use checklists to help the students plan and remember the steps to a task 4 provide quite area to maintain attention
UNCARING: Unaware of effects of action on others, lack of cause and effect reasoning
STRATEGY:1 Direct the children to aware of non verbal signals( feelings, facial expressions) 2 play lots of thinking games( how she feels now in the story) 3 link cause and effect to the actions 4 role playing/ modeling 5 social skills training
UNMOTIVATED: Inability sustaining, consistent energy out put
STRATEGY: 1 Help student to maintain a goal or maintain a schedule to work towards (if u finish math work will go to park) 2 always combine least preferred activities to highly preferred activities 3 provide consistent feedback by saying well done or try again 4 using acknowledgement cards (puzzle- happy face, reading- smart work) 5 use genuine praise 6 give him simple tasks or assignments’ that the student can complete successfully

 That’s all folks, i strongly believe and suggest that “ BEHAVIOUR LEARNED CAN ALWAYS BE UNLEARNED" this is the success mantra for behavior management,   and




  1. Itz Very Gud on Child's Behaviour, KEEP IT UP...

  2. It is true that knowledge is not a stepping-stone to learning but a blocking hillock at progress. The knowledge gained in the initial stages makes us prejudiced and prevents us from exploring, experimenting and experiencing the truth. The real learning process never gives complacence. We feel a vacuum and get inspired to probe further in the path of life. Knowledge is always borrowed and is second hand.
