Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Hi, good see you again JJJJJJ
“If you are wondering what your purpose is: your purpose is to create one”
Thanx to http://www.assistivedogs.wordpress.com/ for the above picture
Preposition is a word that shows some relationship, it is always part of a phrase and comes before the object. Developmentally normal children naturally or unconsciously learn to use these words, but children with Autism and other related disabilities have to go through a big battle to get them right. Prepositions are little bit harder because they are more of an abstract concept than a mere vocabulary word.  I believe explicitly teaching of them is a source of success. Today we will look in to some of the strategies which might surely produce results and increase independency in using prepositions in the language.
ü  List down the prepositions you are going to teach, always go with the easy ones. These words below are the easy  ones to begin with “ in, out, on, under, in front, between, next to, behind etc”
ü  Teaching prepositions in pairs, most prepositions have opposites (like in and out, on and under….). Teaching opposite pairs gives a contrast understanding and easy to register. Start with easier pairs first
ü  Collect pictures/ flash cards which clearly illustrate the position of the objects. Train them to identify and label the flash cards by saying the preposition. Ex; on, under etc
ü  Matching games like you  show your child the flash card of  in, the child can match with the out flash card
ü  Select an object to represent all the prepositions, ex; ball is on, ball is under, ball is in, ball is out etc
ü  Selected objects for teaching prepositions should be familiar to the child
ü  Once the child masters with one object you can now show him the variation by using different objects like; pen is in, pen is out etc
ü  Keep adding two prepositions at a time including the previously learned ones
ü  If possible always use his/her favorite object/item for teaching prepositions
ü  Always present preposition picture cards with written cues
ü  Write down the written cues in the target locations
ü  Give them an opportunity to understand the meaning of prepositions by physically involving in doing/manipulating objects like give him a toy car and ask him to put it in the box by stressing the word in, same practice continues for the rest of the prepositions
ü  Make them construct  simple sentences by using learned prepositions  
ü   Introducing prepositions in the question and answers (ex; where the umbrella is? In the cupboard
ü  Highlighting the prepositions in the answers
ü  Initially prompt the child for success and fade the prompt for independently using prepositions in the sentences
ü  Verbal modeling, giving an opportunity for your child to observe a model who is working on prepositions
ü  Practice with themselves, it will increase their body awareness like put the hat on your head
ü  Initially teach prepositions that are very different in sound and appearance, eventually tech prepositions that are similar
ü  Circle time is the best to teach prepositions to your child, in a circle time give each student a toy guide them to demonstrate the prepositions. This can be followed at home as well
ü  You can vary the above instruction by asking the child to put the toy in across the room for different prepositions ex; put the toy car under the chair
ü  Give him opportunity to use prepositions in language, opportunities for generalization
ü  Set up a small obstacle race using chairs, tables, bean bags, tunnels, trampoline or anything else available in the premises, children enjoy getting active and being told to go under the table, in to the tunnel etc
ü  Completing the sentences by filling the blanks using prepositions
ü  Last but not the least celebrate it when he does right by giving reinforcement

Thanx to http://www.flicker.com/ for the above picture
Children with autism evolve wonders and achieve anything and everything, but as a therapists/parents u have to invest time, creativity, and lot of effort. At the end of the day they are achievers by giving incredible results!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.jacobslessons.com/prepositions/prepositions.htm
Try this site, which has great resources(ABA based activities) for children.Really amazing work
Take care

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