Thursday, October 6, 2011


Hello guys and gals... my warm greetings
Tell me ::::::::) who does not like to watch videos; I think most of us relax our self by watching our favorite movies especially on Sundays. I am still fond of Tom and Jerry cartoon.... I love to watch it whenever I find time. We know very well that most of our children with autism like to do repeated rituals, video modeling is a wonderful strategy: because the child has to watch the video model demonstrating the skill until he masters and generalizes. 
Video modeling is a recording of an individual/ individuals modeling a skill. We can teach lots of skills through this powerful strategy, like I mentioned earlier the child can be trained in communication, pragmatic language, self help/self care, prevocational/vocational skills. It works best for children with Autism and other related disorders, because they are proven to be very strong visual learners. It strengthens child’s observational learning.
Ø  Video modeling helps children with autism to focus on relevant stimuli and can systematically removes distractions.
Ø  Repeated observation of the same model without that model having to be present.
Ø  Takes advantage of child’s ability to echo.
Ø  The child has the chance of following a rote sequence.
Ø  Videos may address social deficits but there will not be direct social interaction such as eye contact required while viewing the video models.
Ø  The content, sequence, voice is very much predictable because it does not change with repeated viewing.
Ø  The model motivation in the video is the same every day.
Ø  Many of our children are highly motivated to watch videos, that too repeated video content ( I am sure they love)
Ø  It may helps to strengthen or weaken fears based on observance of model to a particular situation/skill.
While you are planning for video modeling consider following few instructions (the format):
JThe selected model for video modeling should deliver brief phrases in exaggerated speech
JThe model should demonstrate slow and precise actions
J The video model session should not last more than 1 and half hour (minimum 30minutes)
The content of the video modeling needs to focus on:
§  the skill  being taught and only relevant cues need to be present
§  see to that there is no background distractions in the area of demonstration( like furniture, toys, posters etc)
§  models should wear plain clothes ( no glitters, junk jewelry etc)
§  models should be familiar to the child
§  if the selected  skill requires more than one model, they need to wear different colour clothing
§  the selected model may  preferably be of child’s age
§  the model needs to perform the skill in a familiar environment
§  the skill needs to be demonstrated in a real situation( brushing skill has be done in the bathroom near the sink )
The implementation of video modeling primarily works on:
ü  showing the video to the child with autism in a familiar setting
ü  the environment should be free of distractions
ü  reinforce the child for attending to the video
ü  Initially try showing the video more frequently as it goes you may reduce the frequency.
ü  Immediately after watching ,provide opportunity  to the child to perform the selected skill/behavior
ü  Continue with this training until the child has mastered the skill
                Try video modeling
·   When you tried to teach the skill using more traditional methods, but not successful or mildly successful
·   The selected skill is very complex and does not easily taught in a discrete trail format
·  The child shows interest  in videos
·  The child shows limited progress with live models
·  When you want to teach replacement behaviors (alternative behaviors)
Last but not least the only drawback with video modeling strategy is it consumes lot of time to prepare and the success is totally depend upon the readiness of the model
Create a conducive environment for your child to clearly observe the video model :) work for the best.....
Brave enough to think differently
Bold enough to deliver effectively 
Proud enough to enjoy totally  


  1. Really its good, because all Children’s will be interested on video, Definitely they will catch up at least some stuff.
    And that to you mentioned time frame minimum of 30 minutes and max of 90 minutes that is very important other wise it will go long time watching of video.
    good keep it up.... and keep posting... all the best

  2. Given this appropriate training,children with autism can work productively and contribute positively to their families&community.
    The sophistication of the instrument(video) does not matter. The end product decides the efficacy of the endeavour.
