Hi, welcome back…. I am pleased to post another important topic to create success in the life of autistic children.
Don’t ever give up!!!
If not now,then when?
If not here, then where?
If not this, then what?
If not you, then who?
If not here, then where?
If not this, then what?
If not you, then who?
Teaching children with Autism to answer and ask questions (WH’s) is a very important task to be considered. On the other hand working on this goal will help them to increase comprehension, communication and social language skills. Answering and asking WH’s (what, who, where, when, why) can be taught by teaching the rules, using concrete concepts and by real life experiences. The first question children are taught is “what is that?”
thank you http://www.academicdiagnosis.com/ for the above picture
Strategies for answering WH questions
Strategies for answering WH questions
v Let the children memorize the rule in rote by showing different examples
v Give opportunity to describe the “rule” for the chosen WH
v Provide opportunities to develop concept of object,person,place and time
v Each question has to be taught individually(first teach what, who and then where)
v Collect pictures for what, who, where, when and why
v provide couple of drills on sorting WH’s( child sorts out pictures of objects, people, places etc)
v categorizing pictures on different WH’s
v Try the same skill without pictures, make the child write down ‘banks’ of examples on each WH’s
v Include pictures of generic and unfamiliar list like community helpers etc
v Once the child is able to list or categorize familiar/unfamiliar persons, places, objects begin using them in sentences
v Start asking questions by using visual cues. Ex; show the child a picture of his father sitting on the chair, ask him a question “who is sitting in the chair?”
v Now try without a visual cue for the rule
v Give all the answers to the WH questions in the same place in all of the sentences, this help him/her to understand what information the various WH questions referred for
v If your child has good reading ability, give a written statement or sentence and ask a question( give a sentence like my mom is in the kitchen)
v Initially teach him WH’S in real short sentences( like mom went to take bath, dad went to take bath, John went to take bath etc same sentence by using different persons for understanding WHO same procedure to be followed for WHO, WHEN )
v See to that answer is always in the same place , it’s kind of visually helping the child
v Highlighting the cue words( mom is in the kitchen for who question the mom word can be highlighted)
v For the generalization move the place of a selected WH in the sentence (ex; the above example can be modified as the person in the kitchen is mom) otherwise children tend to fix on the type of the sentence you framed.
v Same rules and techniques has to be followed for other WH’s
v For teaching why question alone consider your child ability to understand cause and effect relationship
v Initially Use what’s next pictures and sequence cards to assist in developing cause and effect relationship
v Ask the child why question by pairing up the sequence card or what’s next picture
v Teach pairing skills and ask the child why the pair is associated ( why is plate and spoon associated)
v Use ample examples of picture sequences to understand the reasoning skill
v Give a rote clue to the child as whenever he work on why question use “ because”
v Use real life examples for understanding the association for why
v Matching answers to the questions
v Matching questions to the answers
v Choosing the picture to match with question (who is sleeping on the bed? The boy has to give a picture of father sleeping in the bed)
v If you are asking the question verbally use very short and simple sentences then proceed to complex sentences
v Make the sentence complex by writing a sentence which has all WH components
v Give practice to answer the WH questions using the same kind of stimulus( ex; dog eating the bone-what, dog sitting on a log- where, dog is in the kennel-who)
Strategies for asking WH questions: it is a self initiation skill
Ø Giving a visual cue or a picture prompt for initiation of asking questions
Ø Giving cue words and helping to ask questions
Ø Giving him statements or simple sentences and helping him to transfer those in to questions
Ø Using a time delay procedure (if the child is searching or wants something just wait for sometime instead providing with that right away. This is the right opportunity for you to teach your child to ask question like mom where is my bag?)
Ø Help your child by presenting the novel stimuli( which triggers him to ask question) during the instructional task of asking question
Ø Hide objects, and help him to ask questions about hidden objects, this can be done as a activity
Ø Giving opportunity for the child to observe the model asking questions
Ø Social stories also help your child for interrogation skills
Ø Highlighting the cue words in the sentence for making WH’S
Ø Teaching them that questions always end with “?” mark
Ø Taking turns in asking questions
Ø Role playing
As a parents and therapists we are well equipped to teach whatever necessary in the path of success for children with autism. Here is another challenge to our kitty, I wish you a great success in teaching interrogation to our amazing talents.
Take care and see you soonJJJ