Hello friends, happy morningJJJJ
raindrops are the bravest thing created by GOD
Want to know why?
It is because they are never afraid of falling

Who does not love quick afternoon naps? I think most of us like especially on weekends after having hearty meal, we avoid because of health reasons. I have experienced my mood being super crabby and gloomy after nap still trying to figure out the reason and I heard parents telling the same stories about children with ASD. Children being very inconsolable and frequently have full blown tantrums lasts an hour, they scream their lungs out throwing things around and crying. Some parents believe afternoon nap helps their kids; they are calm and receptive after each nap. As we know each kid is unique. The reasons may be she/he had very short nap and it was not adequate, waking him/ her in the middle of the nap, falling sleep in the wrong time, being hungry ,having bad dreams and pure developmental issues. It’s horrible for parents to deal the frustration but children with ASD do not remember a thing and they behave as if nothing has happened. Parents need to consider and practice some of the possible tips which will surely do great wonders.
Ø These tantrums should not be ignored totally because child is not doing to seek your attention, possibly he is struggling to calm himself
Ø It’s better to follow a rhythm, , timing and consistent routine, that way they are set with fixed sleeping routine
Ø Give them their own sweet time to wake up , do not rush and pick up and even talk to him/ her
Ø Play his/her favorite music with low volume but do not talk about it to him
Ø After waking up it is ok he/she still in the bed. Calm him down by softly patting his back and singing his favorite number
Ø Make him sit in the swing, move it slowly to calm him. It work with some kids
Ø Give him time to approach you on his own and extend conversation with you, try to go according to your child’s rhythm
Ø Rap him tightly with a comforter or blanket as soon he gets up and when he is still on the bed , this proprioceptive input calms him down
Ø Sometimes it’s good to leave him alone, don’t go to him let him figure out how to calm down on his own
Ø Place a soothing toy or activities of his interest near the bed, this idea helps for transition
Ø Better to avoid naps; it’s ok being crabby throughout evening without nap instead of having full blown tantrums
Ø Keep Quite environment avoid loud noises and sensory clutter
Remain consistent in your approach and establishing sleep routine can prevent tantrums and surely our beautiful minds(children wih ASD) will outgrow these obstacle soon or later. Let’s hope for the best.