Hello,Hi it’s a great and endless joy for me to meet you guys again
It's the will to win if you can
and live it if you can't
thanx to http://www.visualphotos.com/ for the above picture
It's the will to win if you can
thanx to http://www.visualphotos.com/ for the above picture
Task analysis is the process of breaking the complex skill in to smaller, manageable steps in order to teach the skill/concept. Task analysis can be used effectively with ASD (Autistic spectrum disorders) to address the needs in ADL (Activities of daily living skills), communication, behavior, academic and social domains. It is important to make it visual for ASD children when using this method for teaching skill acquisition. As parents/therapists you should be aware of your child strengths when considering the method for implementation of task analysis. Most of the successful methods used are reinforcement, video modeling, prompting and time delay. Skills that require a task analysis typically consist of multiple components that comprise a larger skill.
Steps in task analysis:
Step1 identify/prioritize the target skill: identify the skill that your child needs to acquire and List down the steps in the target skill (breaking the skill in to components). Give Visual representation for easy comprehension of your child by using real photographs and pictures. Numbering the steps will help your child to remember the sequence. Colour coding the steps lead him to remember the order.
Step2 identify the prerequisites skills and materials needed to teach the task: as a parent/therapist you have to determine whether your child has the required prerequisites skills needed to learn the task. Once you think he is ready for the task list down the necessary materials needed to teach the task. The material you selected to teach the skill should be appropriate to the needs of the child.
Step3 selecting strategies to teach the skill: forward and backward chaining is the most successful strategy used in implementing task analysis. The process of teaching the links in the chin is called chaining.
Teaching the sequence beginning with the first step/simple behavior is called forward chaining. Unless until he masters the first step he is not allowed to progress to the next step, this way the child understands the logical sequence of the task.
In the backward chaining the sequence is taught beginning with the last step, through this the child understands the benefit of performing the task.
In the total task teaching the entire skill is taught and the support is provided for the steps the child finding difficult. The benefit of this is the child understands the total task with out interruption.
Step4 implementation of the program and monitor the progress: implement the method by using reinforcement schedule and give opportunity for your child to perform the learned task in a variety of settings (generalization).
It’s important to remember when you are planning for task analysis:
The skill level of your child
The age
Processing abilities
Prior experiences in performing the task
Literal interpretation of spoken language
Task analysis is one of the most valuable strategie and it can be used to teach any skill including self help, communication and social skills. But remember to make it visual!!! Your child is a magnificent puzzle if the right strategies are used, of course it’s easy to solveJJJ
Take care